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WEF Honors All Weston Public Schools K-12 Certified Staff with 2021 David Trigaux Award

Recognizing the extraordinary experience of the past school year, with its new and challenging demands on our teachers and certified pupil personnel staff, the principals of our four schools nominated all certified staff to be the recipients of the 2021 David Trigaux Innovation Award.

The tremendous amount of innovation that occurred during 2020-21 includes:

  • District-wide – all teachers became adept at using technological resources including Zoom, Kami, Peardeck, Jamboard, and Screencastify
  • Hurlbutt and WIS – numerous uses of technology to integrate “roomies and zoomies”
  • Weston Middle School – addition of virtual field trips and guest speakers as well as continued participation in academic competitions through online resources
  • Weston High School – all teachers implemented Canvas for learning management, with additional resources such as Labster, Pivot Interactive, Desmos, Soundtrap, Musescore, Noteflight and Audio Tool used for particularized instruction