The work of the Weston Education Foundation has been made possible by the generous contributions of many individuals, businesses, and institutions over the years. We thank the donors who made gifts during fiscal year 2023-24 and express our profound gratitude for the confidence they have shown in our community and its future.
Brittain & Steve Ezzes Marcia Hamelin & Dennis Tracey The Weston Garden Club Melissa & Bryan Young
SUSTAINERS $500-$999
The Howard & Katherine Aibel Foundation The Alwang Family Heather & Patrick Chila The Sherlock Family Weston High School PTO Weston Intermediate School PTO Michelle Wood
Julie O’Connor & Dan Burstein Christopher Crucitti Bridget & John Holmes Dallas & Pam Kersey Lois Miller Eric & Maria Pagan Nordstrom Melissa Ramin Sue Rosenstock Wendy & Phil Schaefer The Weston Racquet Club Jane & Richard Wolf
ASSOCIATES $100-$249
Dr. James & Donna Attasani Bauman Rita & Anthony Coscia Helen & Arne deKeijzer Elaine & Paul Deysenroth, Jr. Abbey Dillon The Daniel & Nancy Magida Family Fund The McCarthy Family The Meyerson Family Anthony & Valerie Peroni Erica & Michael Reiner Marlo & Justin Villepigue The Zirn Family
FRIENDS $99 and under
Susan Most Armstrong Lois & Eric Baron Laurie & Chris Bradbury Lisa Brodlie Colleen & T.J. Crawford Dr. Tom & Kathy Failla Friends of Lachat Lynda & Daniel Hennessey Leslie Kogos Keith Lender Ellen & Bob Uzenoff